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Our Product and Company News

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for April 2018

Posted on Tue, May 08, 2018


Software Updates for April 2018

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com


  • The Russian alphabet has been added as standard characters in the MCL. We are now able to upload and keep track of regulations in Russian (Russia).

CERTIS - SDS Authoring

  • Translations added to the "Flammability" Drop-down list.
  • Added the ability to add a category and phrase for the Emergency Phone Number in Section 1 of the SDS.


  • Mandatory items in setup are marked with an asterisk(*).
  • Added better warning messages for future occurrences.
  • Daily items now have the option to include/omit weekends.

Incidents/Near Miss

  • New multi-calendar datatype allows for easier selection of Days away and Lost time.


  • Kansas NEI Import - New SLEIS import to automate reporting for Kansas Emissions Inventory

Software Admin (Users, Groups)

  • In Users New UI page, the e-mail validation has improved to ensure both "@" and "." are present in e-mail addresses.


  • New Commuting Form - Can now calculate the co2 emitted from commuting.

Regulatory Updates for March 2018


Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:


Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:




ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for March 2018

Posted on Wed, Apr 04, 2018


Software Updates for March 2018

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

CERTIS - SDS Authoring

  • Added the functionality and option to display a document number within the footer of the M011 (SDS) report.
  • New Webpage added for GHG XML report generation (Report itself still in development).

Universal Import

  • Users can now enter a conversion factor of "each" to the user unit within ALL modules, so the user unit can now look to the Internal ID conversion factor to get the appropriate mass or volume conversion. Records can now be entered manually in usage tables OR through universal import.

Regulatory Updates for March 2018

European Union

REACH – Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)

Under the EU REACH regulation, substances that are one of the following can be regarded as substances for very high concern (SVHC).

  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMRs)
  • Persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBTs)
  • Very persistent and bio-accumulative (vPvBs)
  • Seriously and /or irreversibly damaging the environment or human health

Currently, there are 181 substances on the SVHC Candidate List. The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern was last updated on the 15th January 2017.

The chemicals below have been added to the REACH SVHC regulation in the Master Chemical List following the update.


ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for February 2018

Posted on Mon, Mar 05, 2018


Software Updates for February 2018

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

CERTIS - Labels

  • On Labels, if a product is non-hazardous, "No Chemical Found" has been replaced with "No chemical found contributing to a health hazard" in Supplementary Information.
  • Obtaining percentage match of Chemical Names when uploading regulation: a significant amount of time is currently being used to 'check' the chemical name (CN) when the MCL flags a CN as a 'New Alternate Name'. This improvement provides the 'Test' import process that will identify similarities between the imported CN to a CN of a CAS currently in the MCL.


  • Reminder setup tab now positioned second.
  • Reminder setup tab now positioned second.


  • New warning/validation for Texas NEI. If you try to process a project containing a different year for Annual vs. Ozone season, there is now extra protection added to prevent errors.

Software Admins (Users, Groups)

  • Password Reset feature: A new option has been added to allow companies to define if and how to prompt password changes. You can contact ERA to learn more and to define rules to prompt password changes periodically and implement rules about if previous passwords can be used.


  • There is a new filter option at the Tank usage page to filter on the comments field.

Tier II

  • Option to select parent classes when child categories are not known.
  • Ability to manually select or unselect chemicals below the de minimis threshold to be included or excluded from the XML output.

Regulatory Updates for February 2018

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:



ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for January 2018

Posted on Tue, Feb 06, 2018


Software Updates for January 2018

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com


  • To avoid accidental editing, users sometimes need to lock completed BPs. This can now be done by hiding the Edit Button for completed BPs at the Template level.
  • Until the parameter conditions in the Template are met, BPM Alerts can be sent based upon the reminder either once or multiple times.


  • Thai Characters have been added to the standard Characters in the MCL: We are able to upload and keep track of the regulations in Thai (Thailand)

Tier II

  • Adding a processing option for Tier II to account for all chemicals, or chemicals above the de minimis. 
  • Attached documents on the Grades and Training events will appear in the View training events per employee.

Universal Import

  • Added universal usage groups, where the user can define and import multiple group sources from different modules into a singular usage group.
  • Added Detail 2 tab to universal imports, where the user has the capabillity of setting conditions on the import based on a tag in the data.


  • Allowing the user to use the Revision of the product rather than the batch date in CERTIS and Invoices pages.


  • In offsite group details, the "Days to Expiration" field now defaults and displays 90 days

Regulatory Updates for January 2018

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Canadian Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:


California – Proposition 65

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has added the below listed chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for December 2017

Posted on Fri, Jan 05, 2018


Software Updates for December 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

CERTIS - Labels

  • Product Label Transfer within client database: Can now transfer templates and phrase settings associated with a product from a Facility/Dept. within a database.
  • When generating Label L054, on the Report Parameters you have 3 new options:
  1. Display HMIS rectangle in all cases.
  2. Hide HMIS rectangle if no rating available.
  3. Always hide HMIS rectangle

CERTIS - SDS Authoring

  • Report M011 - Option to display IARC/NTP data for chemicals in the blend in Section 11. This option can look at whether a chemical is EHS, is hazardous or carcinogenic to control, and when to display chemicals.

Chemical Coating

  • The user can choose to visualize reports in scientific notation or in decimal format. This functionality exists for certain ERA reports and has been added to the F175X and F176X. 
  • Applying the "Revision date" selection to "Create Batch" function in CERTIS View Products, and defaulting Revision date option to "Product revision date"


Regulatory Updates for December 2017

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Canadian Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:















U.S State Regulations

California - Proposition 65

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has added the below listed chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.


The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has added the below listed chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity (developmental and male endpoints) for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.


European Union 

REACH – Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)

Under the EU REACH regulation, substances that are one of the following can be regarded as substances for very high concern (SVHC).

  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMRs)
  • Persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBTs)
  • Very persistent and bio-accumulative (vPvBs)
  • Seriously and /or irreversibly damaging the environment or human health

Currently, there are 174 substances on the SVHC Candidate List. The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern was last updated on the 7th July 2017.

The chemicals below have been added to the REACH SVHC regulation in the Master Chemical List following the update.

EU Intro-1.png

Perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid and its salts (PFHxS) is a group entry for which numerical identifiers have not been specified. To facilitate the identification of substances that fall within the scope of this entry, a non-exhaustive list of numerical identifiers is provided by REACH as following:




Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for November 2017

Posted on Mon, Dec 04, 2017


Software Updates for November 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

CERTIS - SDS Authoring

  • In the report M011, when the parameter is selected at the template level, the system will now automatically add ATE values for the mixture under the "Acute Toxicity" of section 11. French and Spanish translations are now also available


  • New option added to calculate future projects with a different percentage for each projected year (previously, the same calculation was applied to both years).
  • New option added, which displays the sources at a facility which do not have a TRI ID, and therefore would not have been included.
  • When a user processes a TRI, all selected sources are now saved with the project and then preselected if the project would need to be processed again.


  • Added the option to copy Transporter questions that save a BL object in the "transporter details" tab in the Old UI. Whenever copying the transporter question, all transporters will be saved in the details tab in the Old UI for the same waste stream.
  • Added the ability to filter waste streams correctly.
Incidents/Near Miss
  • User is provided with a new way of calculating "numbers of days away" using a calendar view.

CERTIS - Labels

  • Added a new custom WHMIS transportation label, which is a 8.5 x 14 label for transportation, with the option to duplicate the GHS data if not regulated for transport.

CERTIS - Transportation

  • The transportation tab now includes all GHS hazards in its assessment of transportation hazard classes.

Chemical Coating

  • In the reports F175X and F176X, a new option is added to enable/disable scientific notations on the report output.


  • Added the option to display "details by product" for chemicals in Tier II Project Details.
  • Now provides an excel output of all Storage Locations, and Container Information of all chemicals for each Tier II Project generated.
  • If a TIER II is processed with a chemical coming from two different departments with different thresholds, the system now should display the lower value to assume worst case scenario.

Software Admin

  • If a user ID already exists in another database, when attempting to save the user account, a warning message will now generate.

Universal Import

  • Added a new capability to import data to cost centers in the finishing and inventory modules.


  • Chinese Characters have been added to the standard characters in the MCL

Regulatory Updates for November 2017

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for October 2017

Posted on Thu, Nov 02, 2017


Software Updates for October 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

Incidents/Near Miss

  • Exported information from the main grid has been upgraded to display the status of the employee at the time of the incident, not the time of report generation.

Tier II

  • Added the ability to compile a history of all contributing line items to each reportable chemical.

Software Admin

  • When creating a new user, the software will now give a warning if the user ID already exists in another database.

Regulatory Updates for October 2017

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemical:


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for August/September 2017

Posted on Fri, Oct 06, 2017


Software Updates for August/September 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

SDS Authoring

  • The system can now inspect the specific concentration for a chemical to determine its classification, rather than simply use the GHS thresholds (ex: 0.1% for GHS, 5 % for HCl).
  • The system can now classify based on classifications identified by the supplier, rather than looking at the individual chemicals.
  • We can now generate Section 1 Countries in 2 letters, 3 letters, or in full text (ex: US, USA, Unites States of America).
  • We modified the language flag to accommodate for language by country (ex: FR - Canada, FR - France).
  • We have adapted the documentation so that the category/subcategory no longer splits at a page break. Now the entire header should stay grouped throughout the document.


  • A Training Matrix can now be shared between subjects.


  • Created the ability to select multiple transporters.
  • The transporter datatype is now pulled from the Transporters tab in the waste streams.
  • In the Manifest template used to create Waste records in Dynamic Forms for Martin, we have added a copy value from Transporters to EPA ID, and also from Designated Facility (Off Site Group/Service Company) to EPA ID

Incidents/Near Miss

  • Upgraded the notification system for worker compensation claims, so the client can receive frequent emails regarding the status of a submitted claim.
  • Provide the user with the option to edit employee/contact/service company information on the fly.


  • Report L061 - Increased font of the UN number of the WHMIS label to 1 inch (to match US DOT requirements).

Chemical Coating

  • Report F227 - Change the report processing to include the raw materials and blends.
  • Report F185 - You can now run the report based on hours of operations.


  • New reoccurrence pattern (Event due X number of days upon completion) developed.


  • New validation procedure when processing TNK001 (Storage Tank Emissions Report). If the user is attempting to store a product that is at a lower temperature than the tank, the report usually gives an error. This is to prevent the report from generating, and informing the user about the invalid scenario by specifying the cold product ID and associated Tank ID.

Universal import

  • User is now able to group sources from different modules within the same group, and use the universal import to distribute the usage across multiple modules.
  • Added the new Detail 2 tab from Tanks to the Universal Usage Groups, where users can set conditions based on transaction types. If conditions are satisfied, then the usage record can either be directed to other sources (fully or partially) or ignored.
  • Ability to pre-assign products to universal usage groups. If the universal import identifies the product, it automatically sends the record to the assigned universal usage group.

Dynamic Reports

  • We can generate the dynamic report and the full BP from the View/Completed Processes page.
  • You can now send dynamic reports to PDF and access them through the regular reports menu.


  • The BP Process now displays the name of the process given at step 0. This name will be displayed at the top left corner at each step of the BP, displayed inside quotation marks (" ") next to the word Process.
  • Users can now select step ownership from steps at any point in the template. The overwrite ownership function at the template level gives the option to select a user from a previous or upcoming step.
  • For BPM alerts, users now have the option to select who can receive an alert at the process level by selecting them in the BPM alert template, including a BP originator, BP coordinator, or a contact for a specific answer.


  • Added the ability to pre-assign products to miscellaneous operating scenarios, miscellaneous groups, or universal usage groups from the product specifications page.

Regulatory Updates for August/Spetember 2017

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:



Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

To all clients, family, and friends affected by the Hurricane in South Texas: please make your safety your number one priority. Our thoughts are with you. We are ready to help when you need us.

Posted on Fri, Sep 01, 2017

Many of ERA's clients have been affected by Hurricane Harvey. During this difficult time please make keeping yourselves and your loved ones safe your top priority.


Please support the relief efforts in South Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey.


Here is a link to the Red Cross to donate funds to help support relief efforts: https://www.redcross.org/donate/hurricane-harvey


ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for July 2017

Posted on Thu, Aug 24, 2017


Software Updates for July 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

Product Specs

  • Added a function to add a Raw Material from its CAS number, and pull in data for the Summary Specs page.


  • Added a "Transporter" datatype and BL Object in Dynamic Forms.


  • Creation of a new label report to match WHMIS Requirements (Canada) - bilingual with transportation pictogram.


  • Addition of Transportation Pictograms to the system and to 3 label reports (L061, L05520LC, L0554LC).

Document Management

  • The security settings for document privacy based on groups and user have been added. 

Dynamic Reports

  • Added the ability to select columns, merge columns of the same type, and add unique aliases.


  • The user can now select the columns they desire to have visible in their grid, and then setup said grid as a template and deploy it to selected users.


  • Ability to modify product ID and save the original as an internal ID.


  • The system can now detect when an employees' ID has changed.

Regulatory Updates for July 2017

Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:

DSL July 2017Add.png



Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:

NDSL July 2017Add.png

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

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