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Our Product and Company News

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for June 2017

Posted on Thu, Jul 06, 2017


Software Updates for June 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

Incidents / Near Misses
  • The Module has been updated to allow automatic insurance claim submissions to GB.
KPI / Executive Dashboard
  • Automatically assign a new user group to all standard KPIs. Ensures that users have access to default KPIS. .
  • Addition of BL Objects for combustion and miscellaneous sources.
  • Added a mass Create button for training.
  • Users can now automatically assign training based off a training Matrix.


  • Improved TRI Processing page so the users can now find the facility for which they want to process a TRI easier.
  • Ability to create an emission unit that contributes to emissions but is not included in TRI throughput calculations. This is mainly useful for cases where the user has on-site recycling processes where the recycled material needs to be counted for emission calculations but not in TRI throughput calculations.

Dynamic Reports

  • Users can now link more than  one template together for reporting. 

Regulatory Updates for June 2017

REACH: Substances of Very High Concern

Under the EU REACH regulation, substances that are one of the following can be regarded as substances for very high concern (SVHC).

  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMRs)
  • Persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBTs)
  • Very persistent and bio-accumulative (vPvBs)
  • Seriously and /or irreversibly damaging the environment or human health

Currently, there are 173 substances on the SVHC Candidate List. The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern was last updated on the 12th February 2017.

The chemicals below have been added to the REACH SVHC regulation in the Master Chemical List following the update.

reg update june 17.png

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for May 2017

Posted on Tue, Jun 06, 2017


Software Updates for May 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

Incidents / Near Misses
  • Upgrading Reports:The S5 report has been upgraded to display the datatype tree structure coming from dynamic forms. 
  • Upgrading UI: There has been an addition of an extra column to certain client account, in order to see division assigned to a facility, based on incident date.
  • Upgrading UI: An enhancement has been made to the BPM alert, dispatching an email after a client has recieved confirmation from insurance. 
  •  "Supervisor" has been removed as a mandatory field.
KPI / Executive Dashboard
  • Upgrading UI: Users can now customize colors in bar chart KPIs.
CERTIS / SDS Authoring
  • Reports: Produced reports are now capable of accomodating subcategories for phrases. The UI will display the parent the phrase falls under. 
  • Upgrading UI: An improvement has been made to the sections tab, on the template and SDS level, enabing the creation and viewing of a subcategory for phrases. The UI displays the parent the phrase falls under. 
  • Viewing Training by Employee Number: Users are now able to view the any training documents associated and attached to a particular training number. 
CERTIS Labels / Transportation
  • New Label report: A label report can now be created to match CLP requirements (Europe). 
  • Translation Automation: The UI has been updated to accomodate additional languages, allowing for the entering of data for transportation in French for example, but linking it to English automation.
  • Addition of HazChem and HIN: A minor UI change has been made allowing the viewing of HazChem and HIN infomation in relation to selected transportation information. 

Tier II

  • Tier II Details: Users can now add storage container types to the pre-defined list. 


  • Adding Tasks: Users can now add storage container types to the pre-defined list. 


  • Users can now add tasks on the fly.

Dynamic Reports

  • Ability to add formulas to Custom Report sources for Dynamic Reports: When developing a Dynamic Report using a custom report source, users can now develop formulas to obtain or convert data in the dynamic report. This functionality was previously available for Dynamic Reports using dynamic forms, and has now been implemented for custom report sources. 

Regulatory Updates for May 2017

Canada - Federal Domestic Substances List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for April 2017

Posted on Wed, May 03, 2017


Software Updates for April 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

User Settings / Preferences

  • Improvements regarding Password Settings: Users now have the ability to reset their passwords using two methods, either using the feature in Admin > User Settings > Preferences, or through using the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the ERA-EHS login page.

Incidents / Near Misses

  • Upgrading Reports: Report S4 has been upgraded to display the address information of the employee, even if this is not the default setting. 
  • Upgrading UI: A new graphical panel has been added to Dynamic Forms, which will help users better view the process flow. 
  • Upgrading UI: A new copy value has been added to facilitate connectivity between "facility" and "job". 
  • Upgrading UI: Employee "Add on the Fly" options has been upgraded, with the user being provided with a new filtering option for the supervisor. 

Chemical Coating

  • Improvement to the Product Upload: The product upload UI has been improved, now enabling the user to match the missing supplier IDs on the Product Upload, to the existing Supplier List in the ERA system. This feature will be useful in cases where the same supplier company has different naming conventions, with differing variants. 


  • Report UI: The selected processes for processing an NPRI report is now saved at the project level. This enables the user to re-process the report if need be without having to go through the source selection step again. 

Tier II

  • Improvement to Tier II Processing: When processing Tier II by usage, the sources selected are now retained in the project if the user ever needs to review or reprocess. 

Application Administration

  • Display Change: In the "Alerts and Notifications" settings, a tab has been re-titled from "Column" to "Questions". 
  • Option to Exclude Users: In the "Alerts and Notifications" settings, users and groups can now be selected to receive notifications and alerts. However, once a group is selected, there was an issue of not being able to exempt certain people other than individually searching for them and removing them. Now, an exemption box has been installed. 
  • Addition of email HTML options: If email type is HTML, the user is now able to text format the subject and body of the email, thus allowing emails to be customized (bold text, highlighting, etc).


  • Warning Message: Users can now implement a general warning message for Tanks and consolidate them in one place. 


  • New Process Flow Chart: This new feature is found every time a new process is added or opened. The chart will show the steps of the process the user is assigned to, and it displays three different colors, blue, green and brown. The blue indicates the current step, brown is pending, and green is completed. When hovering the cursor over the arrow of each stop, all forms in that step will be visible. Clicking on the text of each step will go to that step. 


  • New CSB for KDHE: Creation of a new CSV to be submitted electronically. 
  • Creating one report for NC: Consolidation of six reports into just one report. 

Dynamic Reports 

  • Report Date Display: The report date display is now functional in dynamic forms. The reports will display the dates according to user preferences. 
  • Formula Improvements: Formulas can now be applied to Custom Reports when building Dynamic Reports. 
  • New Data Type: The float data type was added in the formula field to better display significant figures / decimal values in reports.


  • Error Trapping: Better error trapping messages have been included in KPI graphs. 
  • Cost Center improvements: New functionality has been added to match application system groups to the cost center. 
  • Application System: User specific functions have been made to edit the application system for the Batch function. 


  • Graph Colors: Users now have control over which colors to include in KPI charts. 

Regulatory Updates for April 2017

Canada - Federal

Domestic Substances List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:

reg update may 2017 1.jpg

Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:

reg update may 2017 2.jpg

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

New ERA-EHS Password Requirements - Announcement

Posted on Wed, Apr 26, 2017


As part of our continuous effort to ensure data confidentiality and integrity, ERA is implementing a new password protocol for our clients. 

ERA is implementing new minimum requirements for passwords for all user accounts. These requirements will take effect on Monday, 15 May 2017. If your password does not meet the new capability you will be prompted to change your password.

New secure passwords must contain:

  • A minimum of eight characters.
  • At least one uppercase letter and one lowercase letter.
  • At least one number.
  • At least one of the following symbols: @ $ ! % * ? # &

If your existing password already meets the above standards, you will not need to do anything.

If your current password does not meet the above security standard, you will need to create a new password using the simple password reset process. Follow the instructions below to create a new secure password.

There are two ways in which you can reset your password. These are outlined below.

Method 1

         1. Log into the ERA application with your current username and password.

step 0.jpg          2. Once logged in, click the ‘Admin’ button at the top of the screen. Then select User Settings from the drop-down menu, and click Preferences on the subsequent drop-down menu.
New collated image.jpg          3. Click ‘Reset Password’ on the following page.

step 4.jpg

       4. Enter your old password, plus your new password.

       5. Click Save to complete the process. 

Method 2

  1. On the ERA application login page, click on the Forgot Your Password? link.password-requirements-image-1.jpg
  2. Type in the ERA username and email address associated with your user account. Click Reset. Note: If you cannot remember your username or associated email address, contact tech_support@era-ehs.com for further assistance.password-requirements-image-2.jpg
  3. You will receive an email to the email address you provided. Click the link in that email. Note: If you do not receive an email within one hour, please first check your junk email folders. If you still cannot find the email, contact tech_support@era-ehs.com for further assistancepassword-requirements-image-3.jpg
  4. The link will open the ERA application. Type in your new secure password into the two password fields. Ensure both passwords are identical. You can choose to create your own password, or click on Password Suggestion to have a secure password created.password-requirements-image-4.jpg
  5. Click Save New Password. After you save your new password, you can follow the link to the Login page to log into the application with your new password.

ERA greatly values our clients’ user experience. If you encounter any difficulty in resetting your password, please do not hesitate to contact us at tech_support@era-ehs.com.

We are confident that this new policy will result in a more robust and better overall experience for our users.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for March 2017

Posted on Fri, Apr 14, 2017


Software Updates for March 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com


  • Improvement: enhanced calculation for waste collected from multiple departments now implemented. This improvement mainly applies to facilities which collect waste from multiple Paint/Purge processes in different departments all together. The new capability allows them to distribute the total waste to each department and contributing process based on Usage Ratio and a maximum solvent recovery percentage.


  • Interface Addition: The ability to add Boiler Groups to the Fuels Edit option, as well as the ability for "Add to Archive" windows to assign a single HHV to multiple boilers in one entry 

Finishing / Coating

  • Interface Addition: New options have been added for importing usage and distributing based on production records. New options added simplify the procedure and reduce tracking requirements for production. 
  • Interface Addition: Additional protections have been added for cost centers to prevent duplicate sources or groups from being added to a cost center setup.


  • New Addition: When setting up training, the days before completion (DAC) and the days after completion(DAC) fields will allow a user to set when a training can be completed. This feature can either issue a warning or not in allowing a training to be completed if the completion date is outside of the range set by the DAC and DBC.
  • Additional info: The goal is to provide better guidance for the scheduling of training - so that there's a gap before and after the carrying out of the training. An additional reason is in order to better guide clients as regards OSHA regulations, which indicate a need for PPE training every year. This prevents the delivery of training at too early a date. 
  • New Addition: Originally, when importing training events into the system, a typo in the subject name would be permitted, potentially leading to the creation of a new subject with an incorrect name. Now, when importing, the user will be warned of the creation of a new subject. Additional info: the software will show the user on the error table that "subject x" is about to be created and it does it for multiple courses at the same time. 


  • New Addition: A "Loading" GIF was added and appears every time the "ADD NEW" button is clicked.
  • New Addition: "Edit" shows in the process bar at all times. 
  • New Addition: Exist point from a Dynamic List is now available. Based on the answer picked on a Dynamic List, the process will continue to a step specified as the exit point of the Dynamic List. For instance, if the answer is a simple yes or no on the Dynamic List, yes will point to A and no will point to B.

Document Management

  • New Addition: When a user attaches a document via any module other than the document management module, the document will now include some reference of where the document came from.


  • Processing Change: New improvements added, designed to better include processing from the water module.
  • Interface Change: Both water and waste are now displayed in the main NPRI summary grid as well as "Details by Product" for each chemical.

Regulatory Updates for March 2017

Canada - Federal

Domestic Substances List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals

  • Methanol, potassium salt (1:1) - (CAS:865-33-8 N) 
  • Butanedioic acid, polymer with 1,4-butanediol - (CAS:25777-14-4 N-P)
  • 2,4,8,10-Tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane, 3,9-bis[2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenoxy] - (CAS: 80693-00-1 N)
  • Formic acid, compd. with aziridine homopolymer - (CAS:105689-91-6 N)
  • 1,4-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2,5-furandione and 1,2-propanediol - (CAS:145417-47-6 N-P)
  • Urethane prepolymer - (CAS:150409-28-2 N)
  • 2-Propenoic acid, polymer with ethene and ethenyl acetate, C18-22-alkyl esters - (CAS:1440950-37-7 N-P)
  • C12-20, 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl esters - (CAS:1357160-95-2 N-S)


Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:

  • Methanol, potassium salt (1:1) - (CAS:865-33-8) 
  • Butanedioic acid, polymer with 1,4-butanediol - (CAS:25777-14-4)
  • 2,4,8,10-Tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro[5.5]undecane, 3,9-bis[2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenoxy] - (CAS:80693-00-1)
  • 1,4-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2,5-furandione and 1,2-propanediol - (CAS:145417-47-6) 

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for February 2017

Posted on Fri, Mar 10, 2017


Software Updates for February 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com


  • All Modules, Chemical Emissions Summary, Rolling 24 Months by Group: New capabilities have been added to display lb/hour averages and limits to this report. For permit compliance, users can now display monthly, 12-month rolling, and lb/hour emissions per chemical with limits for each group. This can be used for any permit compliance requirement, and is especially useful for Texas MAERT compliance demonstration.


  • Waste Import - Distribution by Group: New functionality has been added for waste imports when distributing waste to multiple sources and applying a maximum distribution for Solvent sources. There is new "Reprocess all" checkbox at the Group level which automates the distribution calculation when accounting for multiple shipments within a month. 


  • Subject Creation Prompt: When Importing a training event, if the subject was not specified in the system,the system previously created them by default. This addition warns the user regarding subject creation.This helps to prevent spelling mistakes in the import.
  • Duplicate Name Fix: When Importing a training event, the system previously name the event twice. For instance, a training event would be called "Subject A - Subject A". This fix ensures the title is only inputted once. 

Finishing / Coating

  • Usage Import - Distribution by Production: A new option has been added for further automation when importing usage and distributing by production records. Users can now pre-select the destination source or group for distribution based on production records.


  • Notifications Compliance Widget: This widget is now displaying events based on the criteria listed below: 
    1. User logged in must have a contact associated with their user account.
    2. User must be “Assigned To” contact for task(s).
    a. Note: If the user has a contact and employee record, and the employee is a supervisor for one or many other employees, the user can also view and filter for tasks assigned to the employees that they supervise.
    3. Note: The event will ONLY be displayed in the widgets if the user is the Assigned to contact OR a supervisor of an Assigned to contact.
    4. The Widget will only display events due within the next two weeks.
  • Events Reminder Widget: The Widget is now displaying events based on the criteria listed below: 
    1. User logged in must have a contact associated with their user account
    2. User must be “Assigned To” contact for task(s).
    a. Note: If the user has a contact and employee record, and the employee is a supervisor for one or many other employees, the user can also view and filter for tasks assigned to the employees that they supervise.
    3. Note: The event will ONLY be displayed in the widgets if the user is the Assigned to contact OR a supervisor of an Assigned to contact.
    4. The Widget will only display events due within the next two weeks.


  • User will have the option to edit a form in incident dynamic templates when we use simplified panle by moving between forms. 
  • Main gird on new dynamic form for Masonite can be updated based on the information added on the dynamic form. 
  • S4, S5 and S6 reports have been updated to be able to show multiple sections of body parts, incident type, injury type and object involved. 

Tier II Report

  • Organization and User Interface Upgrade: The Tier II processing page has been reorganized to streamline processing options and to retain records year-on-year. Processing is now completed through a wizard, which leads users through progressive steps to select the appropriate processing type. When processing based on usage records, the sources selected are now saved and retained in the project. 
  • Processing for Storage Tanks: Tier II processing has been improved to better report maximum quantities in bulk storage tanks. If no throughput is added to a tank in the reporting year, a new capability has been added to search previous throughput records to calculate the amount of material remaining in the tank.

SDS Viewer

  • Interface - New search criteria was introduced to the Employee Portal. Now, users are able to find documents by searching by internal ID.

Regulatory Updates for February 2017

Canada - Federal

Domestic Substances List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals

Reg Updates Feb 2017.jpg

Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)

The Non Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:

Reg Updates Feb 2017 2.jpg

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for January 2017

Posted on Thu, Feb 09, 2017


Software Updates for January 2017

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com


  • Update to Reports function: The option to select a method of Kn (turnover rate) calculation at the time of report generation is now available. Before this implementation, this option was only available in the tank specific reports. Now, this option is available for every report that uses tanks (TRI, A116, A121, etc).  


  • Improvement made to Net DMR report: The automatic upload of the Discharge Monthly report in the EPA system has been enabled. 


  • Improvement to UI - Two new columns have been created in the training event setup and training events. These column allow the user to input the amount of time that is expected for a training to be completed, and the amount of time it took.

SDS Authoring

  • Improvement to Report M007 - In Section 3 of the SDS, the option to display the complete classifications or the classification based on the blend evaluation has been added, next to the chemicals of that product along with its EC Inventory number.

  • Improvement to UI: The option to display the complete classifications or the classification based on the blend evaluation as well as displaying the EC Inventory number has been added.
  • Improvement to UI: The system is now able to automatically evaluate transportation (Section 14) as "not regulated" where required.

Tier II (Currently Being Finalized)

  • XML Upload: New for RY2016, the US EPA now supports and XML upload for Tier II Submit and Eplan. ERA has completed development for the upload and is currently finalizing testing. For RY2016, the EPA supports both the XML and the old MER import formats.

  • Details by Product: ERA is currently finalizing development on a "Details by Product" feature. For each chemical included in Tier II processing, users will be able to view all details (usage or inventory) for materials that contribute to the maximum on-site calculation for Tier II.
  • Save Source Selection: Now available, when processing a Tier II Project based on usage, all sources selected for the project will be saved and stored. This is especially useful if a user need to reprocess for any reason.
  • Export to Excel in Tier II Product details: A new export option is now available in Tier II Product Details.
  • New, Streamlined User Interface: ERA is currently finalizing development for a new and streamlined "wizard" for processing your Tier II. All selections are still available, but the wizard helps to simplify your selections is easier to follow and understand the options available.
  • Details by Product: Similar to the TRI report, the Detail By Product feature is now available for all chemicals in the the TIER II report. This function will allow users to troubleshoot and review the data easily, by enabling the user to see the full history of which products and processes have been contributing to each reportable chemical.
  • Sorting Last Created Tier II Projects: The system now has the capability to sort previously created Tier II projects in order from newest to oldest project. This feature allows the user to search and select the previous year's submitted report more easily, in order to carry over the previous required data such as health and safety hazard of the chemicals.


  • Improvement to Universal Imports UI: Functionality added to batch assign ignore option in the Universal imports errors list, resolving the need to carry this out individually. 


This list summarizes the key software updates from January 2016. All details of every update may not be listed. If you want to learn more about how your ERA-EMS modules have been improved, please contact your ERA support expert or email us at info@era-ehs.com

ERA Environmental's regulatory research team ensures that your ERA-EMS is always up to date with with regulatory and software changes. Every month we'll publish any updates here. It's part of our commitment to excellent customer service, environmental reporting expertise, and protecting your business. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com.

Regulatory Updates for January 2016

U.S. State Regulations

California - Proposition 65

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has added the below listed chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity (developmental, female, and male endpoints) for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Software and Regulatory Updates for December 2016

Posted on Tue, Jan 10, 2017


Software Updates for December 2016

ERA Environmental is committed to providing your business with EH&S software that lasts a lifetime. Our team of researchers and scientists work every day to roll out upgrades, new reports, and improvements. Every month we'll publish a summary of these new features here for you. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com

KPIs / Executive Dashboard

  • KPI for Compliance: Users can now attach documents to the Notifications Compliance Widget, located on the Executive Dashboard. 
  • Announcements Widget: Users can now attach documents to the Announcements Widget using the Document Management Module - which will appear in the Announcements section. 

Finishing / Coating

  • New Report - Air Compliance Daily Summary F188: A new report has been designed that will calculate daily and rolling emissions for OCs (Organic Compounds). 


  • Import Improvement: When importing water data a CAS number is no longer required. All the user needs is the parameter name (ie. Flow, Chrome, pH, etc.) and the system will match these to the discharge limits associated with the permit. This reduces the need to populate the CAS column which will help decrease the manual data preparation prior to import. 


  • Improvement in UI - Increase in Character Limit: A new development has been implemented to allow users to utilize a higher-than 50 character limit for training subjects. 

SDS Authoring

  • Improvement in UI: The ability to run classifications per the CLP regulation has been added. 

  • Improvement in UI: Users are now able to select a supplier for a blend at the moment of generation (generating the product SDS for Supplier A, then generating the same product SDS for Supplier B, and the system will consider these two documents unique)


  • Datatype Improvement: The product datatype filter for "Active/Inactive" has been updated for products. 

  • Speed Improvement: BPM template speed of progressing from step to step has been improved. 
  • New Datatype: DocumentListSummary: This datatype will show all documents uploading to Module: Document Management. 
  • New Datatype: TextboxEditor: This datatype allows users to format their answers when out a BP. 


  • Interface Improvement: We have added a new feature in compliance that allows us to mark a task as visible or invisible. This is a helpful tool to help organize all tasks in a company. Over the years some tasks no longer apply; these can be made invisible instead of deleting them. 


  • Dynamic Import Error Tracking: A new error trapping has been developed for dynamic import, allowing the user to identify the records that cause errors during an incident import.

Vendor Module

  • A new implementation now permits product import using a flexible template. 

This list summarizes the key software updates from December 2016. All details of every update may not be listed. If you want to learn more about how your ERA-EMS modules have been improved, please contact your ERA support expert or email us at info@era-ehs.com

ERA Environmental's regulatory research team ensures that your ERA-EMS is always up to date with with regulatory and software changes. Every month we'll publish any updates here. It's part of our commitment to excellent customer service, environmental reporting expertise, and protecting your business. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com.

Regulatory Updates for December 2016

European Union Regulations

REACH – Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)

Under the EU REACH regulations, substances that are one of the following can be regarded as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

  • Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or Toxic to Reproduction (CMRs)
  • Persistent, Bio-accumulative and Toxic (PBTs)
  • Very Persistent and Bio-accumulative (vPvBs)
  • Seriously and /or irreversibly damaging the environment or human health

Currently, there are 169 substances on the SVHC Candidate List. The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern was last updated on the 20th June 2016.

The chemical below has been added to the REACH SVHC regulation in the Master Chemical List following the update.


Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Regulatory Updates Alert for November 2016

Posted on Thu, Dec 01, 2016

Badge_v2ERA Environmental's regulatory research team ensures that your ERA-EMS is always up to date with with regulatory changes. Every month we'll publish any updates here. It's part of our commitment to excellent customer service, environmental reporting expertise, and protecting your business. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com.

November Updates

US State Regulations

California - Proposition 65

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has added the below listed chemicals to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

Nov Reg Updates.jpg

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

ERA-EMS Regulatory Updates Alert for October 2016

Posted on Mon, Oct 31, 2016

Badge_v2ERA Environmental's regulatory research team ensures that your ERA-EMS is always up to date with with regulatory changes. Every month we'll publish any updates here. It's part of our commitment to excellent customer service, environmental reporting expertise, and protecting your business. Have any questions about these updates? Let us know at info@era-ehs.com.

October Updates

Canada - Federal

Non Domestic Substance List (NDSL)

The Non-Domestic Substance List has been amended by removing the following chemicals:

October Regulatory Update - Image 1.jpg

Domestic Substance List (DSL)

The Domestic Substance List has been amended by adding the following chemicals:

October Regulatory Update - Image 2-1.jpg

October Regulatory Update - Image 3-1.jpg

October Regulatory Update - Image 4-1.jpg

Your ERA-EMS and reporting functions have already been updated to reflect these changes.

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