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Our Product and Company News

Important EMS User Notice: Windows Update Compatibility

Posted on Mon, Dec 15, 2014

This is an important notice for all ERA EMS users: the latest Windows Security Update (Update KB3008923) has known issues. Some users may experience compatibility issues when using the reporting and calendar features of the ERA EMS. This article explains two work-around solutions you can implement while Microsoft corrects this issue.

This Windows update has been found to create compatibility issues for other Windows users and programs, and it is expected that Microsoft will quickly release a patch or new update to correct these issues.

ERA is also developing a compatibility solution, which will be rolled out as soon as possible. ERA appreciates your patience as Microsoft repairs its update.

Work-Around Solutions

There are two work-around solutions to resolve this issue:

For an immediate, temporary solution, uninstall Update KB3008923 and then retry generating your needed report:

  1. Open your device's Control Panel
  2. Click Programs.
  3. Under Programs and Features, click View Installed Updates.
  4. Click Update KB3008923 and click Uninstall. You may be prompted to enter the device's administration password.
  5. Reboot the device.
You can also choose not to install Update KB3008923 on a web-enabled device and operate the ERA EMS through that device.

ERA expects that Microsoft will resolve this issue shortly. Our internal technical support team is also monitoring the situation.

If you have any questions or would like further technical assistance please do not hesitate to contact your ERA Technical Support Expert at 1-866-493-6409 or email us at tech_support@era-ehs.com.


ERA Environmental Lends its Automotive EHS Expertise to PRTR Forum

Posted on Wed, Dec 03, 2014

CEC_-_CEC_Talks_Webcast_CECTalks_Webcast_-_Google_Chrome_2013-07-11_13-17-30The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) hosted a public forum in Mexico City, November 2014, focusing on North America’s progress on the international Pollutant Release and Transfer Registry (PRTR) program. The event brought together government, industry experts, NGOs, and the public.

ERA Environmental attended the forum as an industry and environmental expert and was selected as a panel speaker at the event. This year’s conference emphasized the role of the automotive industry in emissions reporting. Gary Vegh, co-founder and Environmental Toxicologist, gave a panel presentation on transparency and EHS best practices. You can download the slides from it here.

Government officials from the Environmental Protection Agency, Environment Canada, and Mexico’s SEMARNAT took the pulse of North America’s automotive industry, and spoke about the need for better EHS data throughout the supply chain. Gary Vegh, ERA co-founder, gave a presentation on world-class EHS record keeping, and shared insight on collecting data from the shop floor up and rolling that data into any type of PRTR or emissions report.

ERA Environmental has been an active member of the CEC, including co-chairing panels with sustainability executives from the automotive industry and EPA administrators. ERA is working with the CEC and its government partners to create better communication across the automotive industry’s supply chains and to create standards of communication that will improve sustainability tracking. 

Don't forget to download and view our presentation on EH&S transparency and best practices.

ERA is Sponsoring the 2015 4C Oil & Gas Conference

Posted on Thu, Nov 13, 2014

4c_logoThe 4C Conference is one of the year's most important environmental conferences for the Oil & Gas industry, and this year ERA Environmental Management Solutions is pleased to be one of the event's official Compliance Sponsors.

The event took place February 16-19, 2015, in Austin Texas. For more information about the conference, visit the conference's Linkedin page.

The 4C Conference is an opportunity for EHS professionals to connect and collaborate in order to share best practices to improve compliance for the entire industry. The conference is putting the spotlight on monitoring systems, including Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). ERA was on hand to share our expert knowledge on air emissions, storage tank determinations, compliance data management, and monitoring systems. Our EMS system is able to fully integrate with your CEMS technology and meet the complex reporting requirements of the Oil & Gas industry.

ERA Environmental Attending 2014 ANPACT Industry Meeting

Posted on Sun, Nov 09, 2014

AnpactERA Environmental's team will be attending the upcoming automotive industry meeting hosted by ANPACT of Mexico, the National Associations of Producers of Autobuses, Trucks, and Tractors (Asociación Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones).

The ANPACT meeting brings together some of the globe's most important automotive manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Isuzu, and Kenworth, many of whom have already implemented ERA's environmental management software at their facilities. 

ERA's compliance experts will be there to contribute their specialized knowledge to the compliance issues of the day, including air emission reporting for Mexico's regulatory requirements. They're looking forward to speaking with other EHS experts and manufacturing professionals in Mexico's automotive industry.

If your business is attending the ANPACT meeting, make sure to keep an eye out for ERA and come speak with us.

ERA Environmental Attending CEC NATBUS Project Meeting

Posted on Fri, Nov 07, 2014

CEC_-_CEC_Talks_Webcast_CECTalks_Webcast_-_Google_Chrome_2013-07-11_13-17-30ERA Environmental will be attending the upcoming North American Truck and Heavy-Duty Trucks (NATBUS) Project meeting in Mexico, focusing on sustainability for manufacturers in North America. The event is being hosted by the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC).

This year's meeting will focus on best practices for automotive sustainability and new tools that could be used by the industry to solve anticipated regulatory updates and issues. As compliance experts, ERA's team will be on hand to answer questions about upcoming regulatory changes and the tools available on the market.

ERA is an active member of the CEC, and has previously been a panel speaker alongside automotive manufacturing professionals and sustainability experts. Our team is looking forward to the opportunity to work with everyone on the CEC NATBUS project again this November 12.


ERA Attending Commission for Environmental Cooperation PRTR Forum

Posted on Wed, Nov 05, 2014

CEC_-_CEC_Talks_Webcast_CECTalks_Webcast_-_Google_Chrome_2013-07-11_13-17-30ERA Environmental's team of environmental compliance experts will be attending the upcoming PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) forum hosted by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in Mexico City this November 11. 

The meeting is an open forum for industry representatives, citizens, academics, governments, and non-government organizations to come together and discuss how government information on pollutant releases can be used to fuel pollution prevention within North American. This year's forum will specifically cover PRTR reporting for the automotive, bus, and truck manufacturers and their suppliers.

PRTR programs covered by the forum will include the U.S.'s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), Canada's National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), and Mexico's Registro de Emisiones y Transferencia de Contaminantes (RECT). Government regulators will be there to present updates on their PRTR programs and get feedback.

ERA's compliance experts, who have years of experience helping the automotive industry manage these reports, will also be on hand to give their feedback and advice to regulators and manufacturers. If you have any questions about your business' PRTR reporting needs, come see us during the forum.


Sarah Sajedi, ERA CEO, Included in Ontario Science Curriculum

Posted on Mon, Nov 03, 2014

Sarah_in_textSarah Sajedi, ERA’s CEO and director of Research, has been recognized this year as a prominent chemist and in the latest chemistry/science curriculum for the province of Ontario.

Sarah is being highlighted in the most recent edition of McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s Chemistry 12 College Preparation textbook. Sarah has transformed her expertise in chemistry into her successful business, ERA Environmental Management Solutions, helping manufacturers across North America track and report their environmental emissions and improve EHS performance. 

The textbook and improved curriculum aims to encourage young people, especially women to pursue their goals in the sciences and highlight how women in the field are making an impact that improves the world around them. Because Sarah is such a passionate advocate for access to education and women in the sciences, she is especially proud to be part of science education in Canada.

Here's what McGraw-Hill Ryerson had to say about Sarah Sajedi:

"Sarah Sajedi is a Canadian woman who has used her background in chemistry to not only raise awareness about air and water quality issues, but to become involved in humanitarian efforts as well. Sajedi has a degree in chemistry/biochemistry from Concordia University and is the Chief Technical Officer and Chief Executive Officer of ERA Environmental Management Solutions. One of the products created by ERA Environmental Management Solutions is a computer program that allows companies to track the pollutants they are releasing into the atmosphere. “We know how to quantify those emissions, and we built the software around this that helps [companies] to track it… By knowing how much you pollute, you then can work toward better reduction and recycling, and things that would make your company more sustainable,” says Sajedi about the benefits of using the software. Clients of ERA Environmental Management Solutions include chemical companies, companies in the wood industry, and car manufacturing companies.

Sajedi’s background in chemistry has allowed her to work in many areas of environmental sustainability, by identifying, reducing, and preventing pollutants from reaching both air and water. She has used her success as a prominent businesswoman as a passport to support education and humanitarian efforts as well. Sajedi sponsors scholarships for higher education and works with Angels of Mercy to provide food and clothing to homeless people in Montréal. She also works with Helping Hands, an organization that provides clothing and education to children in developing countries.

In 2013, Sajedi won the Sara Kirke Award for Canadian Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance. She was recognized as a role model for women entrepreneurs. In 2012, she was an RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards finalist in the sustainability category. “There’s no ‘No’ in my vocabulary. If it is a good idea, you work at it hard, and you figure out a way to get it done,” says Sajedi about building a business." 





Sarah Sajedi Named TELUS Trailblazer Award Finalist

Posted on Thu, Oct 23, 2014

Sarah Sajedi, ERA Environmental CEOERA Environmental is proud to announce that our CEO Sarah Sajedi is officially a finalist for the national title of TELUS Trailblazer Award Winner. This is Sarah's second nomination for a RBC Woman Entrepreneur Award.  

The Trailblazer Award recognizes a trendsetting business leader who is leading the way in her field by perfecting new technologies, setting new standards for the market, and for her leadership abilities in creating a successful business while breaking new ground. Sarah is being recognized for all of these qualities and more.

Since founding ERA Environmental, Sarah has been a driving force behind ERA's environmental management software and is an internationally-requested speaker and educator on environmental management. 

Sarah Sajedi is one of 3 finalists for the TELUS Trailblazer Award selected from across the country, chosen out of 4,000 nominees. 

The winners will be announced and celebrated at the 22nd annual Awards Gala on Wednesday 26,2014. The entire ERA team is looking forward to a fantastic evening, you've earned the recognition Sarah!

Live Training: Register for ERA Environmental's 2014 Classes

Posted on Tue, Aug 19, 2014

ERA will be hosting Live Training Sessions later this year around the US & Canada. The deadline to register for these events is August 29th at 6pm.

These live training events will cover all new aspects of our software development, including:

  • Air Emissions
  • Storage Tanks Emissions
  • Waste & Hazardous Waste
  • Water
  • And more...

The training events are scheduled for the following locations:

  • Montreal, Quebec: Sept. 8-9 (Monday - Tuesday)
  • Orlando, Florida: Sept. 18-19 (Thursday - Friday)
  • Winston Salem, North Carolina: Sept. 29-30 (Monday - Tuesday)
  • Fort Wayne, Indiana: Oct. 6-7 (Monday - Tuesday)
  • Houston, Texas: Oct. 13-14 (Monday - Tuesday)

Each event is 2 days long and will tackle all the new and updated aspects of our Environmental module.

The cost of attending is $499/person, which includes all training materials, refreshments, and lunch.

Deadline for registration: August 29, 2014

ERA Launches New SDS Finder App for iOS and Android

Posted on Mon, Aug 04, 2014

ERA is very excited to announce that ERA has launched its first free app for android and iOS smartphones and tablets: the SDS Finder App.describe the image

We've designed this app specifically for Environment, Health & Safety professionals who need to quickly access their Safety Data Sheet database to respond to emergencies, on-site incidents, and other risky scenarios. Having this app on your mobile device will help you more effectively handle stress-filled situations and respond appropriately, without the added stress of digging through paperwork while under a time crunch.

The SDS Finder App allows any employee with a smartphone to search for any SDS they might need on the job through a secure, password-protected login. Users can quickly find their desired SDS using a variety of search options like product ID, supplier, description, or keyword. SDSs can even be favorited  so that they can be accessed online. The SDS Finder App can find SDSs in any format you might use, including doc, jpg, PDF, gif, excel, PowerPoint, and png.

The SDS Finder App is also designed to improve response time and effectiveness during emergencies. It can be used to email SDS data and compare material revision dates with emergency responders, suppliers, front-line employees, and executives directly from the app. You'll always have the SDS you need in an emergency, even if you can't access your office.

With the upcoming transition to the new Globally Harmonized System (GHS), this app will be a powerful new addition to your chemical management toolkit, helping you to keep up with changes to your SDSs across your entire supply chain.

The SDS Finder App is available for free on the Google Play and the iTunes store

Tags: SDS

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