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Sarah Sajedi a Finalist for RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award

Posted on Tue, Sep 25, 2012

Sarah Sajedi 2012 RBC Award Finalist

All of us here at ERA are incredibly proud to announce that our own CTO and director of research and development, Sarah Sajedi, has been named a finalist for the RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award for the TPH Sustainability Award. the TPH sustainability award is given to women entrepreneurs that have made a significant contribution to Canadian business & environmental sustainability.

The award recognizes Sarah Sajedi's hard work and dedication in the development of ERA's environmental management software and her contributions to the overall sustainability of Canadian companies. It has been thanks to her vision and leadership that ERA has been able to thrive and become the industry standard of EMS software for the automotive industry over the last 17 years.

The award ceremony will take place November 28, in Toronto. Over 3, 500 women were nominated for the RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards this year, and the awards will recognize a business leader for each category from Eastern, Central, and Western Canada.

Did you know:

  • Women-led businesses are one of the fastest growing business sectors in Canada - women are creating jobs at twice the rate of the national average!
  • The number of women with incorporated businesses has doubled over the last decade.
  • Women entrepreneurs in Canada are creating more jobs collectively than the Canadian Top 100 companies combined.

We all wish Sarah and all the other nominees the best of luck!

ERA Environmental Sponsors Southern Automotive Conference 2012

Posted on Tue, Aug 07, 2012

ERA Environmental at 2012 SACAfter the wild success of the 2011 Southern Automotive Conference (SAC), ERA Environmental has become a sponsor of the upcoming 2012 SAC, held October 11 & 12 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The Southern Automotive Conference is one of America's largest automotive conferences, and ERA will be there to share information and teach manufacturers about sustainable practices in the automotive industry.

In particular, ERA has worked closesly with Volkswagen's Chattanooga facility, which is the major presenting sponsor of the conference.    

Some of ERA's environmental specialists will be attending the event too, so make sure you come by to say hello and chat with us about your sustainability efforts.

2012 Alabama E3 Sustainability Conference To Be Sponsored by ERA

Posted on Fri, Aug 03, 2012

ABE3 resized 600ERA Environmental Management Solutions will be sponsoring the work that will be done at the first annual Alabama E3 Sustainability Conference.

Alabama E3 is designed to assist manufacturers be successful and profitable through the implementation of sustainability, waste-reduction, and more efficient programs. So far the Alabama E3 has helped over 40 manufacturers, and saved over a million dollars through sustainable programming.

The Alabama E3 Sustainability Conference, taking place August 23 and 24, will feature a keynote speech from the Managing Director of Green Innovation for Nascar, Dr. Michael Lynch. It will also provide training for sustainable manufacturing practices, and energy saving.

You can get involved in the E3 network here.

Come by and say hello to ERA's environmental experts while you're there! 

Image Credit: Alabama E3

ERA to Begin Working in SP Materials Issue Group

Posted on Tue, Jul 10, 2012

Suppliers Partnership for the Environment

In mid-July, ERA will officially begin working as part of the Materials Issues Group for the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment. 

ERA joined the Suppliers Partnership earlier this year, adding its environmental compliance expertise to the SP's diverse range of environmental & manufacturing specializations. We plan on bringing our unbeatable knowledge in environmental data management to the Supplier's Partnership.

As part of the Materials Issues Group, ERA will assist in two main projects:

  • Developing standardized criteria for sustainability reporting and sustainability projects in the manufacturing industry.
  • Developing standardized criteria for managing materials and final products throughout the entire product life cycle.
By working on these two projects, ERA will be helping to lead the way in the automotive industry and beyond for developing a universal system for benchmarking sustainability and greatly reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes.

Tags: Sustainability

ERA Wins 2012 Accolades Sustainability Award

Posted on Tue, Jun 19, 2012

Accol2012 WinnerCERA Environmental Management Solutions has won the Accolades 2012 Award in the field of Sustainable Development by the Montreal West Island Chamber of Commerce.

Congratulations go out to the entire ERA team!

The Accolades Awards recognizes businesses and non-profits that have achieved excellence in a number of fields, including manufacturing, innovation, technology, and sustainable development. Accolades judges were definitely impressed during their tour of ERA's offices, particularly with the cutting-edge technology and data-security measures being implemented by the team.

Chief Technical Officer Sarah Sajedi accepted the award at the June Accolades Gala event held in Montreal. She spoke about the growing importance of sustainability in the automotive industry, and ERA's continuing mission to provide the very best environmental management tools.

Congratulations definitely go out to all the other nominees and other 2012 winners!

ERA a Finalist For Sustainable Development Award

Posted on Mon, May 14, 2012

Accolades award ERA EnvironmentalERA Environmental Management Solutions has been unveiled as a finalist for the West Island of Montreal Chamber of Commerce's Accolades Award for Sustainable Development.

Winners will be announced at the 2012 Accolades Gala dinner on June 14.

We wish the best of luck to the other finalists!

ERA-Powered Volkswagen Facility Wins Edison Green Award Gold

Posted on Fri, May 11, 2012

Congratulations to the VW wins Gold Edison Green AwardVolkswagen Chattanooga facility, who recently won the prestigious Gold Edison Green award for 2012 - an award that recognizes Volkswagen's excellence in the fields of environmental stewardship and sustainability.

ERA is proud to have been a part of a facility that continues to achieve continued environmental success. VW's environmental efforts continue to break ground with their work on important environmental initiatives that will, no doubt, continue to fuel their success.   

The Chattanooga facility has already achieved LEED platinum certification as part of Volkswagen's Think Blue initiative. It is the first and only automotive manufacturing plant in the world to achieve this extraordinary level of LEED certification.

You can read about the Chattanooga facility's journey to achieving platinum certification from the LEED green building program in our 3 part interview with Ron Drumeller, the Environmental Specialist for the Chattanooga facility starting here.

Tags: Sustainability

ERA Joins Suppliers Partnership for the Environment

Posted on Wed, May 09, 2012

SP logo resized 600

ERA is pleased to announce it is now a member of the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment and will collaborate as part of the Chemical Issues Work Group to help develop and define sustainability criteria for the automotive industry.

The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) brings together automobile original equipment manufacturers, their suppliers, and the Environmental Protection Agency to implement projects that advance the environmental sustainability and economic success of the automotive industry.

As part of the Chemical Work Issues Group, ERA will be working to address emerging chemical issues related to supply chains and environmental compliance. In particular, the group is looking to improve the way that environmental specialists make chemical decisions for their facilities and communication of chemical information across the sustainable supply chain.

Visit the SP website here: Supplierspartnership.org

Tags: Sustainability

ERA Environmental at the 2012 Environmental Trade Fair & Conference

Posted on Fri, Apr 27, 2012

TCEQ jpg 800x1000 q100ERA Environmental Management Solutions will soon be seen at the Texas Comission on Environmental Quality's Environmental Trade Fair and Conference this May.

The conference is Texas' premier environmental educational forum - considered to be one of the best in the United States - which means it is a natural fit for ERA's environmental experts!

The fair will bring together professionals from a wide range of industries, including engineers, geoscientists, sanitarians, project managers, utiliites specialists, and natural resource managers, all to encourage dialogue about environmental management and best practices.

We'll be there sharing our experience and advice on proper environmental recordkeeping and regulatory compliance management. If you or any one you know is also attending, drop on by and say hello.

We always enjoy meeting face to face!

Look for ERA at the Upcoming APMA Conference

Posted on Mon, Apr 23, 2012

ERA Environmental Management will be at APMA

ERA Environmental Management Solutions will be attending at the Automotive Parts Manufacturing Association's (APMA) upcoming annual conference: Establishing a Competitive 2020 Vision, June 6 & 7. 

If you're attending, or know anyone who is, make sure to say hello to our friendly Environmental Specialist team as part of your conference plans. (Look for us at Booth 130). It's a great chance to meet face to face with ERA-EMS users and to get to know new people. 

The conference promises to be an exciting event, with keynote speaker Mr. Tanguay, the Senior Managing Officer, Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), Senior Vice President, Toyota Motor North America (TMA), & Chairman of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. (TMMC).

**Update: Even more great keynote speakers have been added. We can now look forward to hearing from Don Walker, CEO of Magna International Inc., and Richard E. Dauch, Co-Founder, Chairman &CEO of American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM).** 

There's also a great selection of other speakers from across the automotive industry, and on a wide range of topics facing the automotive industry.

We hope to see you at the APMA conference soon!

Phone or email us if we can expect to see you there.


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